The proposed Manitoulin Project Settlement Agreement will provide compensation for the Crown’s mismanagement of trust funds and the losses related to that mismanagement of First Nation trust money. Canada and the First Nations initialed the Settlement Agreement on December 20, 2023.
It was agreed that Canada would provide compensation for the Claims for mismanagement of funds related to Roads, the Indian Land Management Fund, and a Lots related claim (the “Claims”). In exchange the First Nations agreed to provide the necessary releases for those claims.
This agreement does not come into effect until the agreement has been ratified by the five First Nations: Aundeck Omni Kaning, M'Chigeeng, Sheguiandah, Sheshegwaning, and Zhiibaahaasing.
Below is a summary of the Agreement. Please contact your First Nation Membership office for a full copy of the proposed settlement agreement.
It was agreed that Canada would provide compensation for the Claims for mismanagement of funds related to Roads, the Indian Land Management Fund, and a Lots related claim (the “Claims”). In exchange the First Nations agreed to provide the necessary releases for those claims.
This agreement does not come into effect until the agreement has been ratified by the five First Nations: Aundeck Omni Kaning, M'Chigeeng, Sheguiandah, Sheshegwaning, and Zhiibaahaasing.
Below is a summary of the Agreement. Please contact your First Nation Membership office for a full copy of the proposed settlement agreement.
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